- ESR 1 Antonia Hadjimicael
- ESR 2 Michele Stefani
- ESR 3 Lara Paulo
- ESR 4 Fanlin Meng
- ESR 5a Benjamin Ricken
- ESR 5b Joana Batista
- ESR 6 Usman Rehman
- ESR 7 Ramesh Saagi
- ESR 8 Kimberly Solon
- ESR 9 Laura Snip
- ESR 10 Celia María Castro Barros
- ER 1 José Porro
- ER 2 Marina Arnaldos
- ER 3 Bertrand Vallet
- ER 4 Xavier Garcia Acosta
ESR 1 Antonia Hadjimicael
Name: Antonia
Surname: Hadjimichael Nationality: Cyprus Current e-mail: antonia.hadjimichael @ lequia.udg.edu Host institution: University of Girona Department: Lequia Name of supervisor: Dr. Joaquim Comas |
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The technology applied to UWS is constantly evolving in parallel to the continuous changes in societal and economical norms and the relevant legislation demanding higher standards from UWS. The main aim of my project is to develop an Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS) to help assess the possible impacts of any future modifications to UWS under different scenarios concerning different models or technologies and different standards set upon the system. This will be carried out using various environmental, social and economic indicators to evaluate the impact. |
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ESR 2 Michele Stefani
Name: Michele
Surname: Stefani Nationality: Italian Current e-mail: michele.stefani @ lequia.udg.cat Host institution: Universitat de Girona (UdG) Department: LEQUIA (Labotatori d’Enginyeria Quimica i Ambiental) Name of supervisor: Dr. Joaquim Comas i Matas / Dr. Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda |
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Wastewater should be considered as a resource rather than a problem, especially in those areas where water and energy resources are scarce. Do you know that adequately treated wastewater can be reused for many applications, even for drinking water production? Unfortunately the cost for these treatment processes is still relatively high, and it represents a drawback for their implementation on large scale. My main task is to optimize integrated membrane systems in terms of energy consumption (an expensive resource!) for a sustainable and safe reuse of dirty water. |
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ESR 3 Lara Paulo
Name: Lara
Surname: Paulo Nationality: Portuguese Current e-mail: Lara.paulo @ wur.nl Host institution: Wageningen University Department: Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group Name of supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fons Stams |
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My motivation to join SANITAS SANITAS project gave me the opportunity to work again in an area that I love, bioremediation, and associated with my engineering background. It also opened the door for an international career and to meet new places, new people, new cultures, different ways of doing science. I hope that the competences that I will obtain would allow me to pursue successfully a career, either academic or industry focused as a water professional. |
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Microorganisms are very versatile and they are able to use different compounds to grow, some of them toxic to us or to nature, converting them in more simple things, like methane. Methane is a gas that we can use as a renewable energy. The process of methane formation is complex and can be affect by several things. During my project I will try to understand better how some things like heavy metals (like zinc, nickel) or compounds that are known to be toxic can affect the process, in a good or bad away, how can we improve it and if we can associate a profitable biogas formation to the degradation of some of these compounds that are toxic to the environment. |
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ESR 4 Fanlin Meng
Name: Fanlin Meng
Surname: Meng Nationality: Chinese Current e-mail: F.Meng @ exeter.ac.uk Host institution: University of Exeter Department: College of Engineering Name of supervisor: Prof. David Butler, Dr. Guangtao Fu |
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My motivation to join SANITAS Water quality is a key environmental issue throughout the world. A good consenting policy, which effectively regulates the discharge of sewage, could help improve the water environment. So the research topic of exploring innovative consenting approach in SANITAS interests me greatly. Besides, the European-wide training in the technical and complementary skills will assist my research. |
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The Water Framework Directive imposes more stringent requirements for sewage discharged from wastewater treatment plants. Instead of upgrading the treatment facilities to deal with the challenge, we try to explore a more cost-effective approach of using the dynamic diluting capacity of the receiving water body and real-time control of the urban wastewater system. The advantages and disadvantages of the innovative approach would be investigated, and its impact on the existing consenting policy would be identified. |
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ESR 5a Benjamin Ricken
Name: Benjamin
Surname: Ricken Nationality: German Current e-mail: benjamin.ricken @ fhnw.ch Host institution: ICRA
Name of supervisor: Dr. Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda, Dr. Oriol Gutierrez
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My motivation to join SANITAS The concept of the SANITAS network is of special interest for me as it gives me the opportunity to get insights into new topics which are connected to my work as an environmental biotechnologist. Moreover, I’m looking forward to meet all of you during the international training weeks. |
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Organic micropollutants are synthetic and natural trace elements, present in water at low concentrations (pg/l to ng/l). There is a growing concern about the fate of synthetic organic micropollutants in the environment, as they themselves, or their degradation products might show toxic effects to organisms. Especially antibiotics are of special interest, as it has been shown that low antibiotic concentrations may lead to the formation of resistant pathogenic bacterial strains. That is why I will focus on the establishment of biological treatment of waste water for the degradation of antibiotics. |
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ESR 5b Joana Batista
Name: Joana
Surname: Batista Nationality: Portuguese Current e-mail: Joana.batista @ gmail.com Host institution: ICRA Department: Technology and Evaluation Name of supervisor: Dr. Oriol Gutierrez |
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In the urban areas there is a sewer city underneath our feet. This pipelines transport the sewage water from our houses to a Waste Water Treatment Plant. The sewage water is full of organic matter, which is used by bacteria and other microorganisms to obtain energy they need for living. It is a biochemical reaction. Due to the lack of oxygen in the sewers, some products such as hydrogen sulphide and methane are likely to be formed. They are dissolved in the water but as soon as an air space exists in the sewers, these two compounds are released to the atmosphere. Hydrogen sulphide is responsible for the malodour and pipe corrosion. Methane is a green house gas. The amount of these gases increases at high temperature and dry weather conditions, as it happens in the Mediterranean areas (my case study). The main task of the project is to monitor hydrogen sulphide and methane in order to find the best control strategy to decrease their presence in sewers liquid phase. |
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ESR 6 Usman Rehman
Name: Usman
Surname: Rehman Nationality: Pakistani Current e-mail: usman.rehman @ ugent.be Host institution: Gent University Department: Department of Bio-Science Engineering Name of supervisor: Prof. Ingmar Nopens |
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My research project is about modelling greenhouse gas emissions from a waste water treatment plant by integrating CFD models with bio-kinetic models. A WWTP is a major source of nitrous oxide emissions and project aims at modelling and devising mitigation strategies for these emissions. Project also includes experiments on full scale WWTP. Therefore, complete model of the WWTP will be validated with the experimental results. Experiments will mainly include velocity measurements, local concentrations and off-gas (emissions) conc. measurements. |
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ESR 7 Ramesh Saagi
Name: Ramesh
Surname: Saagi Nationality: Indian Current e-mail: ramesh.saagi @ iea.lth.se Host institution: Lund University Department: MIE Name of supervisor: Dr. Ulf Jeppsson |
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Benchmark simulation model is a software tool that helps to compare different ways of controlling a wastewater treatment plant. The model basically has a computer code that tells (approximately) how a wastewater treatment plant would behave in reality. My research project is about extending this model to include how the catchments, sewer system and rivers behave. If I can successfully combine them with the existing model (and other additions that Kim and Laura are working on), this can provide us more information and also allow us to study control options in a larger scale (Not just in the wastewater treatment plant but in the whole urban water system). |
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ESR 8 Kimberly Solon
Name: Kimberly
Surname: Solon Nationality: Filipino Current e-mail: kimberly.solon @ iea.lth.se Host institution: Lund University Department: Department of Measurement Technology and Industrial Electrical Engineering (MIE) Name of supervisor: Dr. Ulf Jeppsson |
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To improve the performance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), different control strategies can be applied (e.g. controlling the dissolved oxygen and nitrate level in bioreactors). But before adapting a specific control strategy, simulations can first be performed to determine which would optimize the WWTP performance in terms of effluent quality, operational costs, and other applicable criteria (a procedure termed as “benchmarking”). My task is to develop an enhanced benchmark system for control strategy development and objective evaluation of WWTPs. This will be done by extending an existing model through inclusion of new processes such as reject wastewater treatment, inclusion of a plant-wide pH model, and process descriptions for phosphorus, sulphur, inorganic material and other relevant variables. |
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ESR 9 Laura Snip
Name: Laura
Surname: Snip Nationality: Dutch Current e-mail: lasn @ kt.dtu.dk Host institution: DTU Department: Process, Chemical Engineering Name of supervisor: Prof. Krist Gernaey |
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As each existing wastewater treatment plant has different characteristics (f.e. influent flow, volume etc.) it is not easy to compare them. The benchmark simulation model makes it possible to compare the plants. However this model is not yet completed. With the increasing awareness of global warming also wastewater treatment plants should try to minimize their greenhouse gases. Not all possible sources of N2O are included in the model. As this is a 300 times more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2 it is very important to include it, in order to come up with operation conditions to decrease the emissions of N2O. Also nowadays more micropollutants can be detected in wastewater. This is also going to be included in the model. |
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ESR 10 Celia María Castro Barros
Name: Celia María
Surname: Castro Barros Nationality: Spanish Current e-mail: celiamaria.castrobarros @ ugent.be Host institution: Ghent University Department: Biosystems Engineering Name of supervisor: Eveline Volcke |
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The current wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are consumers of energy, the most of them require more energy than they can produce to treat the wastewater. One of the steps that can help to get a more sustainable WWTP is to change the conventional nitrogen compound treatments, since they consume large amounts of energy (aeration). The aim of this project is to optimize a technology more sustainable to treat the nitrogen compounds from wastewater that can reduce substantially the energy requirements and contribute to get more energy-efficient WWTPs in future. |
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ER 1 José Porro
Name: José
Surname: Porro Nationality: USA Current e-mail: jose.porro @ lequia.udg.cat Host institution: University of Girona Department: Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (Lequia) Name of supervisor: Dr. Joaquim Comas |
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The research objective for my individual project is to develop qualitative models for risk assessment of biological operational problems in urban water systems. Qualitative models integrating numerical models with knowledge–based systems can help describe complex biological phenomena, for which an understanding of mechanisms and deterministic models are lacking, and help develop sustainable solutions to operational problems. The work will develop an integrated knowledge-based/numerical model and perform/test model-based evaluations of various solutions to sustainably mitigate risk of biological operational problems in urban water systems. |
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ER 2 Marina Arnaldos
Name: Marina
Surname: Arnaldos Nationality: Spanish Current e-mail: marina.arnaldos.orts @ acciona.com Host institution: Acciona Agua Department: I+D+i Name of supervisor: Teresa de la Torre |
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A Membrane Bioreactor (MBRs) is a robust wastewater treatment process achieving high removal of contaminants using a small amount of space. Therefore, they are perfect for water reuse applications where there is low space availability. The only thing preventing a widespread implementation of MBRs is that they use far too much energy. In this project, I will look into two promising strategies for energy savings in MBR systems; the goal is to assess the feasibility of these approaches and to investigate the mechanisms of energy cost improvement to ultimately optimize the whole MBR system energy consumption. |
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ER 3 Bertrand Vallet
Name: Bertrand
Surname: Vallet Nationality: French Current e-mail: bertrand.vallet @ aquafin.be Host institution: Aquafin NV Department: Research and development Name of supervisor: Marjoleine Weemaes |
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In most European cities, during storm events, the rain water is mixed to the wastewater into the sewer. The storage capacity of the sewer is limited and some overflows allow the water to be released to the river. Even if it is diluted, the water released transports lots of pollutants. Different strategies can be applied to limit the impact of these combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on the rivers and to help the stakeholders to take the best decision integrated modelling is an helpful tool. My main task is to develop a model to predict the CSO quality and to use it to develop a tool which will help stakeholders to take the best decision regarding both water quality and cost. |
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ER 4 Xavier Garcia Acosta
Name: Xavier
Surname: Garcia Acosta Nationality: Spanish Current e-mail: xavier.garciaacosta @ udg.edu / x.garciaacosta @ gmail.com Host institution: Yarqon River Authority Name of supervisor: David Pargament |
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The research objective of my Individual Research Project (ER4) is to examine the feasibility of successful management of comprehensive and integrated river rehabilitation and management. The river case of study is the Yarqon (Israel). This includes a comprehensive analysis of the past, present and future water users, from an economic, social, legal and scientific perspective. Based on this analysis, I will develop new strategies for the integrated management of urban water systems, including water treatment methods. |
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