

Final event follow up: policy report and fact-sheets now available

Check out the lastest project updates after the final conference of SANITAS. 1. An extensive final report of the WP 4 explaining how the project can contribute to the objectives of the EU Environmental Policy: here 2. The fact-sheets of all the Individual Research Projects, highlighting research results and potential benefits of our research: here



Final programme of the SANITAS final conference now available

Final conference is around the corner! Check out our final programme bellow PROGRAMA FINAL final conference You are still on time to register, make haste, the is quorum is limited  



SANITAS final conference on 18th September 2015

Title:“Towards a sustainable and integrated urban water management in Europe and beyond: from science to policy” The final SANITAS conference will be held on September 18th in Barcelona (1 full day conference), starting at 09:00 and finishing at 18:00. The conference aims to integrate the research carried out in the project within the larger context […]